*It’s important to note that while most songs and images found on this page helped provide inspiration for the overall atmosphere of my books, not all of them pose an accurate representation. Basically, they’re there to give a general idea or vibe, not reveal the entire story. With that said, view/listen at your own risk in case of possible spoilers.

Detour’s Playlist
Ready to get lost in some of the songs that inspired Coty and Angela’s epic love story?

Detour’s Inspo Board

Detour has its own Pinterest board too.

Changing Lanes Playlist

Find the songs that helped inspire Beckett and Paige’s epic love story on Spotify *HERE*.
Changing Lanes Inspo Board
Changing Lanes also has its very own inspiration Pinterest board that is now open for public consumption *HERE*.

Blind Spot’s Playlist
Listen to Blind Spot’s full playlist that helped inspire the heart-pumping conclusion *HERE*.

Blind Spot Inspo Board

Find the inspiration board for Blind Spot *HERE*.