Hello again! So happy to start a new month right here with you. I saw a meme recently that said October was going 85 mph in a 35 mph zone and i don’t think i’ve seen anything more accurate. Goodbye, October. we’ll meet again.

I got this tea in one of my Sipsby personalized boxes and it’s by far one of the best I’ve tried, and there’s been some good ones. It doesn’t have caffeine in it which would probably be my only complaint but I don’t actually mind either way. It is so delicious. It’s Vanilla Nut by teeccino and it’s incredibly flavorful with organic ingredients like carob, barley, figs, and chicory along with dates, almonds, and vanilla. Sounds so weird, i know, but it’s not. Not at all. It steeps to a dark, bold color with just as much flavor. i sweeten almost all my tea with real maple syrup and a splash of milk and I’m telling you it makes this tea that much more decadent. Today’s my last bag of the sample from the box and I’m already missing it. If you look into this yummy tea, use the code SIPSBY15 for 15% off.
Even though it’s still fall, it did snow here in upstate New York already. On Friday, right before Halloween, we got about an inch-inch and a half. By Saturday afternoon it was all gone thankfully. I’d decided long before our state made suggestions that we’d set out a table at the end of our driveway with grab bag treats for any trick treaters from our new neighborhood. Our last neighborhood was not ideal for trick or treating and we usually only got a handful of trick or treaters so we were super excited to move into a perfectly quaint little neighborhood full of kids…before Covid struck of course. I love halloween though so we did the table thing with me several feet back wearing a mask just in case anyone wanted to stop by. it was COLD. So, so cold. Our family started a new tradition a few years back on Christmas Eve playing a game we call the wrap ball game so we decided to do that instead of taking our kids trick or treating this year for halloween. Since March we’ve been 100% quarantined with the exception of my hubby still going to work every day so my kids and i get severe anxiety going around the masses and although our new neighborhood is full of kids, we’ve noticed how much they don’t socially distance so we played it safe by keeping to our own property. It was a blast though. I made some pumpkin treats and a jello brain and we had a great time together. Maybe one of the best honestly. I dressed up as a skeleton while my daughters were Willa from the Disney movie Zombies 2 and Ginny Weasley. The boys in our family are “Too good to dress up.” RUDE.
This past week was BUSY, busy, busy. With Bookmark orders from my etsy shop picking back up and remote learning still in full swing I had to juggle all of that along with writing a Halloween bonus scene for a fun Facebook party I was apart of for Devil’s Night. Oh, and try to squeeze in a read through of Beckett’s book, Changing Lanes. It’s coming along! I’m beyond excited for everyone to read this book. But also protective. I kinda want to keep Beckett to myself. Don’t worry, I will share him…just know it’s reluctantly. lol If you’re interested in signing up to help spread the word about his book or want to read an arc copy in exchange for an honest review on release day (1/21/21), click the button below. My PR company would love your help. and if you’re wanting to read that bonus Creekwood scene with the crew on Halloween, it’s one blog post back from this one.
That’s it for this beautiful sunday morning. Thanks for joining me and enjoy your upcoming week. stay safe and healthy.
Happy November! Did the time change mess you up? This month’s blog is going to be a quick one because I’m knee deep in editing . . .
Happy Sunday but also, Happy October! Honestly, I don’t know where September went and I swear I was paying close attention too. One of the . . .