Today is a special Sunday Sips because it’s my birthday. My 34th to be exact! My how the years have flown! And I wouldn’t trade them for anything. The blood, the sweat, the many, many tears…they’ve added up to a well-lived and well-loved life.

This morning I’m drinking some Ice Cream Sprinkles tea by Tealightful. It’s not my fave flavorwise as it tastes like sprinkles melted down but it’s a really pretty, fun tea with actual unicorn sprinkles in the blend. Perfect for a birthday so I thought why not?
My week was pretty easy going. My youngest daughter’s school-appointed tablet finally came in for remote schooling which frees up my laptop during the weekdays! Whoop whoop! AND….I just finished with my first big round of edits on Beckett’s book so that means I’ll be jumping into writing Marc’s book soon. And if you didn’t know I just announced the title, blurb, and dates for Beckett.
This upcoming week I’ve got something really special going on. I’ll be joining one of my absolute favorite authors Penelope Douglas to help celebrate the completion of her Devil’s Night series on Devil’s Night in her readers group thependragons. I’ll be sharing an exclusive Halloween bonus scene of the creekwood crew in there at 10am EST. I’ll also be hosting a giveaway as well which will be painful to actually give away because I love the prize pack so, so much. Talk about bucket list item!

Last night my family and I visited a drive thru pumpkin light display. The activity was in place of us going to an actual pumpkin patch. We’ve been in lockdown basically all of COVID with the exception of my hubby who works outside the house. We tried going apple picking earlier this month but I think our anxiety was a little too high to fully enjoy ourselves so last night was a great alternative for us. We had apple cider and caramel blondies my 10 year old made. (my birthday extends to the whole weekend usually so I don’t do much cooking for those days. It’s heavenly.)
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And that’s about it from me for today. I’m going to have a beautiful fall lunch around the fire pit with my hubby and kids in a little bit. Thanks for spending some time with me this morning. Have a wonderful week.
2021 was a big year for me both personally and professionally. My bookmark business started taking a backseat to my new author career as I . . .
Happy May! Here we are in the thick of Spring and it feels so good. Here in Upstate New York we did get a couple . . .