Today is DETOUR’S one-month anniversary! Honestly, I’m still in shock a little bit. After a year and a half of working what felt like around the clock, I released my debut novel. And the response has been absolutely amazing. Not only are people loving the storyline, but they are falling head over heels for the Creekwood Crew. Angela, Coty, Beckett, and Marcos have weaved their way into the hearts of people other than me, and that’s kinda crazy. In a really, really good way. When I first wrote DETOUR, it was at a time in my life when I needed them. I needed their kind hearts, persistent attitudes, and especially their hilarious shenanigans. I wrote the entire story straight through with absolutely zero intention of sharing it with anyone else. I didn’t even tell my hubby at first. It was my little slice of heavenly escapism and I wanted to keep it that way. It wasn’t until I finished writing the second novel in the Creekwood series and went back to read Detour that I realized I had to share it. If these characters could do that for me, if they could help make life a little more enjoyable even if only for 357 pages, then I wanted to figure out how to make that possible for others.
Insert biggest gulp in history here.
Yeah, I really had no idea what all was involved in self-publishing but I soon found out. And then some. I braved the world of indie publishing and haven’t looked back since. Someone asked me recently if it was worth it and while that answer involves a very long, very complicated explanation, it boils down to this: I’m so proud of the journey I’ve taken so far. The new things I’ve been forced to learn along the way never cease but neither do I, and that’s invaluable. The fact that readers are not only understanding but also embracing what I was going for with DETOUR means more than any amount of royalties ever could.
So, thank you for following along with me. I’m beyond grateful. ♥
Check out some photos from Detour’s release day fun below. It was such a blast celebrating with reminders from Detour’s story.
Ever wondered how the Creekwood Crew would take the news of having to wear masks? Me, too! This scene has no bearing on the series . . .
Not quite ready to one-click my newest release yet? Read an entire chapter below. Enjoy! Angela I sigh, taking in my small apartment. Small is . . .